Lent bible study

Welcome to our five group bible discussions on Wednesdays in Lent - Feb 21,28 and March 6.13.20. Mornings at Gulval and evenings at St Thomas', Heamoor. We will spend the time reading and talking about the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest book in the Old Testament and the second most quoted Old Testament […]

Clothes Sale – ‘pay what you can’

Need a wardrobe refresh? On a budget? A 'pay what you can' clothes sale alongside the Coffee morning in St Thomas'. For any more information or clothes donations, please email me on blondeelux@gmail.com or phone 01736 364719. All welcome.

Holy week reflections

Short service of reflection at Madron Church - all welcome.

Holy week reflections

Short service of reflection at Madron Church - all welcome.

Holy week reflections

Short service of reflection at Madron Church - all welcome.

Maundy Thursday services

3pm Holy communion service at Gulval : 7pm Holy communion at Madron.

Good Friday services

9.30am at St Thomas' : 2pm at Madron : 7pm at Gulval.

Easter Sunday services

9.30am Family Communion at St Thomas' : 11am Family Communion at Gulval : 11am Family Communion at Madron : 6pm  Evensong at Madron (informal)

Living with loss meeting

We all face significant losses in our lives, whether it be a spouse, parent, family member, special friend, a significant relationship or beloved pet. This will be a chance to share a soup lunch, listen to a short reflection and opportunity to listen to and encourage each other on what can be a challenging journey. […]

Coffee & Cake morning

Come and have a coffee with us or buy cakes to take away and enjoy at home. Donations of cakes welcome on the morning.

Ascension Day

Service of Holy Communion at 7pm at Madron Church.

Songs for a summer evening at Madron Church

A Cappella choir invites you to an evening of choral music from near and far with instrumental interludes. Music by Arensky, Byrd, Elgar, Gabrieli, Grieg, Mendelssohn, Morley, Mozart, Pearsall, Stanford & more. There will be a retiring collection for Madron Church funds. All welcome.