Autumn Fayre at St Thomas’ Church
Table top sale with festive gifts, refreshments, raffle and crafts. If you would like a table (£10) on which to sell your wares, please contact Rev Jo at
Table top sale with festive gifts, refreshments, raffle and crafts. If you would like a table (£10) on which to sell your wares, please contact Rev Jo at
9.30am Holy communion at St Thomas' & 6pm Remembrance Parade with Scouts & British Legion : 11am Family service at Gulval : 10.45am in Memorial Garden then 11am Holy communion at Madron : 6pm Evensong at Madron (informal)
Collection Centre at Madron Church open: Tues 14th Nov 2-4pm, Wed 15th Nov 10-12 noon, Thurs 16th Nov 2-4pm, Fri 17th Nov 10-12noon.
9.30am Holy communion at St Thomas' : 11am Mattins at Gulval : 11am Holy Communion at Madron : 6pm Evensong at Madron (informal)
11am at Madron Church - Christingle with Madron Daniel School
9.30am Family Communion at St Thomas' - 11am Family Communion at Gulval - 11am Mattins at Madron
We look forward to seeing you at this special service. All welcome.
7pm Service of Holy Communion at Madron : Service of Holy Communion at - time tbc
Welcome to our five group bible discussions on Wednesdays in Lent - Feb 21,28 and March 6.13.20. Mornings at Gulval and evenings at St Thomas', Heamoor. We will spend the time reading and talking about the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest book in the Old Testament and the second most quoted Old Testament […]
Welcome to our five group bible discussions on Wednesdays in Lent - Feb 21,28 and March 6.13.20. Mornings at Gulval and evenings at St Thomas', Heamoor. We will spend the time reading and talking about the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest book in the Old Testament and the second most quoted Old Testament […]
Welcome to our five group bible discussions on Wednesdays in Lent - Feb 21,28 and March 6.13.20. Mornings at Gulval and evenings at St Thomas', Heamoor. We will spend the time reading and talking about the book of Isaiah. Isaiah is the longest book in the Old Testament and the second most quoted Old Testament […]
As part of Churches Together in Penzance, a lent lunch will be held at St Thomas', Heamoor. The weekly lunches start on Sat 17th Feb and continue at churches around Penzance until 23rd March. Perhaps you will attend some this year and enjoy the fellowship of other local churches as part of your Lent journey? […]