Madron Feast Week

Feast Fayre in Landithy Hall 11am - 1.30pm. Assorted stalls: book/ CD/ DVD stall, tombolas, raffle, cakes, snakes & ladders. Refreshments : Soup and a roll plus tea/coffee

Madron Feast Week

Afternoon Tea in Landithy Hall £2.50 per head

Madron Feast Week

Coffee, cake & board games in the Methodist Chapel School room.

Madron Feast Week

Madron History Group exhibition of Madron photographs in Landithy Billiard and Forget-me-not rooms.

Madron Feast Week

Children’s Fancy Dress Christmas Party at Landithy Hall ( free but ticket admission for numbers. Under 5’s must be accompanied by a parent). Contact Connie on 01736 448569

Madron Feast week

Well-wishers lunch in the Chapel school Room. £5 per person - booking essential - contact Madge Christopher on 01736 363562

Church Services – Advent 4

10.00am Joint Carol Service at St Thomas' followed by coffee and mince pies (NB NO 11am at Madron) - 11am  Holy Communion at Gulval -  6pm Evensong at Madron (informal) - 6pm Tree of light service at Gulval, dedicated  individually to people who have died (if you would like to dedicate a loved one, please […]