A school was established in Madron by the generosity of local man George Daniel in 1710. The three hundredth anniversary celebrations were held at the school.
Madron School today is a small school with around 30 pupils. The view from the school field down to St Michael’s Mount is stupendous.
As the numbers are smaller, the degree of pastoral care offered to children, quite apart from the Christian ethos, results in excellent progress being made by those with special educational needs.
The school is also now catering for 2 year olds and has an excellent and also growing pre-school.
If you have a child and would like a prospectus or to visit the school, the headteacher is Mrs Helen Kershaw c/o Madron Daniel School, Madron, Penzance, Cornwall.
There is also a fine pre-school facility attached.
As from 29th January 2019, the school is now part of a federation with St Mary’s, Penzance CofE School. The head is shared, and there is one governing body, but both schools retain their separate character and independence.
Visit our school website on www.st-madderns.cornwall.sch.uk